A specialist in wireless communications
Established in 1992, Bandercom Oy is an expert on radio communications. The company has always been a forerunner in its field: it began export operations in 1994 and launched its online shop the following year, as the first Finnish radio communication company to do so. Today, this Lahti-based business has customers in more than 60 countries.
Bandercom operates directly with its key customer segments and collaborates with its partners to achieve national and international growth. Our operations range from small projects and the sale of equipment to turn-key deliveries and project management, including the design of radio phone networks, consulting, investment analyses and installation work.
As a one-stop shop in radio communications, we also supply receivers and accessories for radio phones, detectors and radio transmitters. Currently, we see the strongest growth in the area of contracting.
Business units
Our business operations are divided into separate business units operating in close collaboration with each other:

Bandercom Equipment sale
The majority of our device sales take place online, where you can find about 3,000 products. This business unit focuses on maintaining our online shop, developing its content and functions, and ensuring efficient deliveries. Our sales operations have seen steady growth over the past decade. Our sales operations have seen steady growth over the past decade.

Bandercom Wireless Solutions
This business unit is responsible for designing and realizing coverage solutions and performing radio system deliveries, with its activities ranging from design to the delivery of turnkey projects. With our system solutions, you can focus on your core tasks to ensure that your business thrives.

Bandercom partnership
The contracts with our partners are extremely flexible, ranging from individual projects to collaboration lasting for years. As a contract partner, our goal is to offer added value that could not be generated with product delivery activities alone. Maintenance, service, procurement and various annual contracts are the responsibility of this business unit.